Don’t Worry – Be Happy! Changing your life for the better
Happiness can be hard to achieve, especially when we feel so stressed, but by learning the trick that takes you to a state of relaxation where you can think things through, you will begin to change your life for the better.
Whatever the causes of your stress: disempowerment, years of angst, you can change this, it’s called mind-body healing, a system of improving health without medication. It is within all of us to achieve this. The biggest obstacle is our own self-created fears and limitations – so here we go…
Being aware of Stress
Stress is usually an excessive fear or anger response. Stress is uncomfortable and we usually try to ignore it. Stress undermines our ability to concentrate and relax. Peace seems unattainable and sleep requires medication.
Stress is the cause of physical pain and discomfort, keeping us in a constant state of nervousness and anticipated action. The strain shows on the face, you look older. These exercises can help you relieve your stress and deal with your life in a more comfortable way.
Winding down from Stress
Staying “tight” is a way of blocking our inner feelings. Relaxation is like calming an upset child – a slow gradual process. Trying to “make yourself relax” or “get rid of” the pain is counter-productive. Stress is part of us and we should start a sensible dialogue through relaxing. Stress, like pain, can be a good friend. It tells us there is something wrong with the way we are living our lives.
Meditation For Menopause helps in the following ways:
The benefits of meditation for menopause, or for any other reason and just every-day support, show in everything we do; more energy, healthier, think and work more effectively and, most important of all, enjoy life more. Being relaxed and aware is the mental equivalent of being fit and healthy. Relaxation allows you to be happy.
- Releases muscular tension
- Lowers high blood pressure. When stressed, our blood becomes thick with cholesterol. This thins out when we relax.
- Stimulates the immune system and the production of white blood cells. The immune system winds down when the body is stressed.
- Increases blood circulation to the digestive tract, the skin and the brain.
- Medical evidence suggests that meditation can be particularly effective with insomnia, migraines, asthma, chronic pain, hypertension, allergies and recovery after illness.
- Meditation can provide inspiration and vision. This will help resolve difficult problems. Awareness often comes in a flash when the mind is tranquil.
What is the difference between relaxation and meditation?
Meditation is a calm and alert state of mind, when the body is relaxed and the mind is focused.
Relaxation, on the other hand, is when the mind wanders. It may drift between sleep and fantasy and thought. It is a pleasant state, but out of control. You may experience this when you first begin these exercises, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a start. Each time you practice, you will understand more, and gradually improve.
When doing these exercises, be aware of experiencing different feelings, you may feel heavy or light, have sensations on the skin, heartbeat, perception of time, and quality of mind. You are trying to achieve a state of “body asleep, mind awake”. Think about how your body feels when you relax. Although sleep is seductive, try to stay awake. Keep asking yourself, “What does relaxation actually feel like?” You should make a mental note of your own answer to this question, as, by doing so you will have an easier time reproducing this same feeling the next time you go through the process. This whole process can take 2 minutes or ten minutes. That’s the beauty of it, doing it to suit you.
Once you have mastered these basic steps, you can develop this relaxation process into meditation. It all begins with focus, but you will eventually be able to develop your thought process whereby you can meditate and explore: memories, a problem, pain, emotions, your God, or something simpler. This process will help you find some answers which will lead to an improvement in your health. The people around you will benefit, too!
The Basic Instructions ~ Don’t Worry, Be Happy!
You can do this anywhere! Stuck in traffic, at the kitchen sink, anywhere. All you need is to feel comfortable. No special posture need be adopted. Do it in your own time, two minutes or ten. Have a go!
- Relax: lift and drop your shoulders a couple of times. Clench your teeth and eyes and then let them go. Clench your fists and let them go. Now try and clench your whole body and face and let go.
- Next, choose one thing to focus on, a flower, a car, the wallpaper, and explore it. Look at it in minute detail, concentrate on it and nothing else. Focussing helps you to stay awake. The focal point is called an anchor
- If the mind wanders, bring it back
- Let everything else go that keeps demanding your attention (no shopping lists or school run problems, please!)
- Listen to your breathing, be aware of it: in through the nose, out through the mouth. Listen to your breathing and how your body responds
In other words, we give the mind a simple task to keep it out of trouble. This is our anchor. When our attention strays, pull it back. As we focus, the mind slows down and we become attentive and relaxed, other thoughts slip away. You may need to have a few goes at this before any progress is made.
We must learn to walk before we run, but everyone can do this. Good Luck!
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