Work it out with Song!


Did you know that many women experience a loss of confidence and self-esteem from about their mid-forties?

It’s a gradual thing – you probably won’t even realise to start with. But if it’s happening hand-in-hand with the menopause a crisis of confidence could hit you like a bus. Stress, anxiety and hormonal depression (the sort that tablets won’t help).

So, what to do to counteract these feelings and restore your confidence?

Get out there and do something you’ve always wanted to do – master a new skill. It’ll make you feel great, trust me!

I know, because that’s exactly what I did. I learnt to sing properly.

Singing requires physical effort and releases ‘feel good’ endorphins. It has huge medical benefits and workplace choirs are springing up all over the place because of how they improve mental health and wellbeing among employees. It exercises the whole face, throat, lungs and stomach – as well as that all-important pelvic floor ladies!

It’s a great workout, but best of all is the buzz I got from my weekly lessons. I would come home elated, even my toes were tingling. I couldn’t stop singing or smiling for the rest of the week.

Singing for me has been life affirming and I couldn’t believe how my whole mood changed as soon as I lifted my voice in song. This new-found confidence has filtered into other aspects of my life and I can’t imagine living without it.

Music is immensely healing and singing allows us to connect with our essence. I felt lost but found myself through singing – who knows, it may work for you too!