Module 2


Before we get going on this, we would like to gauge your current thoughts and knowledge on Menopause. It’s not a test. In Section 2, we have given you a place to write down your own thoughts; thoughts about what you are learning and thoughts about how you feel you will start implementing this knowledge in your life. You can be brutally honest – we don’t judge! This information will be private and confidential and will only be used for our own research.

This questionnaire is completely confidential. No-one else will have access to this information and it complies fully with GDPR.  The information will form part of our data collection to enable us to learn from you, our clients, ensuring we meet your expectations.

Step 1 of 2

  • Section 1

  • Symptoms of the menopause are many and varied. Select which of the following you believe are symptoms (select all that apply)
  • Which types of depression can affect women during the menopause? (select all that apply)